25th Anniversary Conference
This year is the 25th Anniversary of the Brazelton Centre UK! We are thrilled to announce we will be holding a very special celebratory conference to mark this milestone.
Please read below for more details and we hope you can join us for this occasion!
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Brazelton Centre UK 25th Anniversary Conference
We are delighted to announce this celebratory conference to mark our 25th anniversary as a charity which will be held at the iconic Kings College in Cambridge, England on the 13th July 2022 and online.
We extend the warmest invitation to you to join this special event!

Key event details
Date: 13th July 2022
Venue: Kings College Cambridge, England and online (plus link of recording)
Tickets: Buy tickets for the live conference at Kings College HERE (sales closed)
Buy tickets to view the conference live online HERE
(More ticket information below)
Registration: 8.45am (opening address at 9.15am)
Close of day: 4.30pm
Programme: With One Voice Conference Programme pdf
Refreshments: Lunch, tea and coffee provided for delegates

This conference will be an uplifting, fascinating and inspirational look at the universal language of babies and how the Brazelton approach is used across the globe to promote the voice of the infant. We are thrilled and honoured to have speakers from all over the world who use the Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale (NBAS) and the Newborn Behavioural Observations (NBO). They will share with us an insight into the babies in their culture including some of the parenting practices around the newborn period and how the opportunity they have to share the baby’s voice is transforming early relationships in their country.
Diversity and unity…The conference will be both a celebration of the diverse cultures that babies are born into and yet the way the universal first language of babies (their behaviour) unites us as those working around the world to support sensitive, responsive relationships between caregivers and their baby.

We are honoured to have speakers from all across the world who work closely with newborn infants and their families. They will each share a fascinating insight into the unique child-rearing practices in their country and how they use the NBAS and NBO to support parent-baby relationships in their culture. We are delighted Dr J Kevin Nugent, Director of the Brazelton Institute, USA will give our closing message for the day.
We are delighted to begin announcing our speakers….
Mamikie Rumo: Mamikie is an Early Childhood Community Practitioner at the Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mamikie is a single mother to a teen daughter, and loves working in her community to support mothers and babies. Mamikie was part of the first cohort of lay counsellors trained as NBO practitioners. Mamikie is also trained in an array of perinatal and infant mental health interventions, including the Ububele Home Visiting Project, the International Child Development Programme and Booksharing.
Nicki Dawson: Nicki is a counselling psychologist and NBO trainer from South Africa. She currently heads up the parent-infant programmes Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust, providing infant and perinatal mental health services to economically disadvantaged families. Nicki recently completed her PhD at the University of the Witwatersrand, investigating responsive infant care in adverse and culturally diverse contexts. As an adoptive mother, Nicki is passionate about supporting families in the early years.
Mariko Iwayama: Mariko is a clinical psychologist specialising in perinatal psychology and is based in Southern Japan. Mariko has worked in 3 NICUs across Japan and currently works at the Kyushu University Hospital in the city of Fukuoka providing parent-child relationship support and developmental follow-up for babies. Mariko is trained in the NBAS, NBO and Touchpoints. She became one of 3 NBO trainers in Japan and helped set up the Japanese NBO training site in 2016. nbo-japan.com
Dr. Lise C. Johnson: Lise is Assistant Professor of Paediatrics at Harvard Medical School. For the past 20 years she has worked as a newborn hospitalist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, USA, where she was medical director of Well Newborn Care from 2001 through 2018. Lise is associate director of the Brazelton Institute and co-authored the Newborn Behavioural Observations Manual.
Brazelton Institute at Boston Children’s Hospital
Ahmad (Wawan) Suryawan: Wawan is a Consultant Paediatrician specialising in Child Development and social paediatrics. He is also an Associate Professor of Child Health affiliated with Soetomo Hospital and Airlangga University. Wawan lives in Surabaya, Indonesia. He trained in Newborn Behavioral Observations in 2017 and now uses it enthusiastically in child health services as well as newborn developmental monitoring. He is currently active in disseminating NBO knowledge to paediatric colleagues in Indonesia.
Camilla Ejlertsen: Camilla is a registered nurse working in the Obstetric Department in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is currently undertaking a PhD study developing and testing an intervention at the obstetric department called ‘Look- your baby is talking to you’. The intervention aims to lower the prevalence of post-partum depression symptoms among vulnerable mothers using the NBO to enhance healthy early relationship formation between parents and infant. Camilla also has an MSc in Public Health and is a busy mother to two young children.
Assoc. Prof. Campbell Paul is a Consultant Infant Psychiatrist at the Royal Children’s and Royal Women’s Hospitals Melbourne and Honorary Principal Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne. With colleagues at the University of Melbourne he has established and delivered postgraduate courses in Infant and Parent Mental Health since 1992. These courses developed out of a longstanding experience in paediatric consultation-liaison psychiatry and infant-parent psychotherapy. He has a special interest in the understanding of the inner world of the baby, particularly as it informs therapeutic work with infants and their parents. He helped establish the Australian training centre for the Newborn Behavioural Observations at the Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne. He has been a member of the World Association for Infant Mental Health for many years and is currently President of WAIMH.
Susan Nicolson: Susan is a medical doctor and infant mental health clinician at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne. Susan practises and advocates for integrated infant and perinatal mental health support for families. She is a master trainer in the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) system and has worked with Ububele psychotherapy trust in South Africa and Mallee District Aboriginal Service in Australia. She was lead researcher in a recently published trial to test the NBO in an at-risk population.
Benefits of Attending
Be fascinated
Hear, learn and experience things about babies in cultures around the world that take your breath away and make you say wow! Relish the opportunity to hear directly from leading clinicians and researchers from 5 different continents around the globe who will share their first-hand experience of babies in their home country. Hear about how the Brazelton approach is used internationally in different cultures and contexts to promote the baby’s voice.
Make memories
Make new friends and professional connections, enjoy the magnificent surroundings of Kings College Cambridge and have fun with interactive elements throughout the conference that will bring the theme alive. Be part of marking the 25th anniversary milestone of the Brazelton Centre UK.
Leave changed
Feel motivated and equipped to better listen to babies and families from different cultures- to be able to respect and celebrate diversity in the babies we care for. Be inspired to use the Brazelton approach to bring the baby’s voice to the centre of our care.

Ticket information
General admission: £120 per person (£90 early bird)
Students: £65
Delegates from low-middle income countries: £65
Each ticket covers:
- Attendance on 13th July to this event
- Delegate pack
- Lunch (this is likely to be in Kings College grand dining hall) and coffee breaks
We will also be streaming this event live online on Zoom. Tickets for online viewing of the conference cost £65. Individuals with an online conference ticket will also have access to the conference recording for 7 days following the event.
(Please note: there is a 3.5% transaction fee in addition to the above ticket prices)

Terms and Conditions
Important information: Please read before registering
Payments: All bookings made prior to this event must be paid in full to guarantee registration. Email confirmation will be sent.
Cancellations: Cancellation charges apply as follows:
- More than 4 weeks but less than 6 months before the date of the event: 75% of the fee paid by delegate
- 4 weeks or less prior to start of event: 100% of the delegate fee paid by delegate
All cancellations must be received by email to admin@brazelton.co.uk and sarah.lam@brazelton.co.uk
Alterations to Programme – Cancellation/Postponement of Event: Brazelton Centre UK reserves the right to make alterations to the event programme and timings. In the unlikely event of the event being cancelled, a full refund will be made. Liability will be limited to the amount of the fee paid by the delegate. In the event of it being found necessary, for whatever reason, that the event is being postponed, or the dates being changed, the organisers shall not be liable for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by the delegates.
If, due to Covid-19 government restrictions we are unable to hold this as a live event- we will make every effort to move the event online via an online platform such as Zoom. Delegates will be informed as soon as possible in this eventuality.
Speakers: Views expressed by speakers are their own. Brazelton Centre UK cannot accept liability for advice given, or views expressed, by any speaker at the event or in any material provided to delegates.
Photography & Filming: There may be professional photography/video production taking place during the conference. Delegates who do not wish to be filmed or recorded should approach the organisers at the beginning of the event or contact us by email before the event.
Insurance: It is the responsibility of the delegate to arrange appropriate insurance cover in connection with their attendance at this event. Brazelton Centre UK cannot be held liable for any loss, liability or damage to personal property.
If you have any questions about the above or anything else related to this event please email: sarah.lam@brazelton.co.uk