That time of year has come around again. The time when we are gearing up and preparing to to celebrate newborn babies and all their amazing skills, especially in communicating! That’s right, Baby Communication Week is coming up on the 5th-9th June. The theme of the Week is always a very important part of the planning to help us ensure the messages are inclusive to all babies, parents and professionals AND to make to the biggest impact possible in raising awareness of baby behaviour. In coming to this year’s theme we considered some of the most common misunderstandings there are about newborns. Have you noticed how most of these misconceptions are reductionist (e.g. babies just ‘sleep, eat, cry and poo’!)? For those of us who work with, study, or research newborns, particularly with an awareness of infant behaviour, we know just how extraordinary babies are; their amazing skills for transitioning to the outside world, for communicating and socialising, and for building their life-long brain. We want to challenge some of the presumptions about babies and change minds so that parents, practitioners and wider society become… So this our theme! We will spend the week taking a closer look and marvel at how a baby’s behaviour can show us so much about them self and their world! Each day we will have a different focus to bring the theme alive, including an inspiring and expert speaker. Follow us on our social media channels and our website where we will be announcing the daily themes and speakers very soon! Finally and most importantly: You are what makes Baby Communication Week most special and impactful each year. We would love you to use the week to share about and showcase the ways you promote babies’ voices in your role/setting/organisation with expectant and new parents. Why not write an article or record a video to share on social media during the week of the 5th-9th June. Don’t forget to tag @BrazeltonUK and use the hashtags #BabyCommunicationWeek23 #AmazedByBabies
We want to say a special thank you to Gloria Lo who designed and created the logo for this year – we absolutely love it!!! Gloria has been on placement with us as part of her MSc in Developmental Psychology and is now continuing as a volunteer.