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View BioProfessor Topun Austin is a Consultant Neonatologist at Cambridge, and Honorary Professor of Neurophotonics at University College London. He is the Director of the Evelyn Perinatal Imaging Centre (EPIC), based at the Rosie Hospital, Cambridge. The centre has an infant functional brain imaging unit and houses a dedicated MRI scanner for mothers and babies. His main research interests are in brain development and injury in the newborn, using novel monitoring and imaging technologies and their translation into routine clinical care.
Topun first met Joanna Hawthorne when he came to Cambridge in 2008. They both had a passionate interest in newborn infant behaviour, and the importance of the family unit in promoting health and wellbeing in the newborn. He has subsequently promoted the use of the NBAS as a tool for understanding newborn behaviour. The BRAIN study, led by Dr. Chuen Wai Lee, set out to relate brain activity with behaviour in newborn infants; in collaboration with UCL and Birkbeck, London, the BRain Imaging for Global HealTh (BRIGHT) study, is investigating brain function and development in children in high and low income settings
Topun is the co-director of neoLAB, which is a collaborative group between EPIC and Biomedical Optics Laboratory at UCL. The group has been involved in developing am integrated optical-EEG system to study neurovascular coupling as well as a unique fast optical tomography system for 3D imaging of regional blood flow and oxygenation is sick newborn infants with acquired brain injury.
Further information can be found at www.neolabresearch.com